CASP, formerly known as the Brooktondale After School Program, was established in the summer of 1985 as a day care program of the Brooktondale Community Center. In the spring of 1987, parents decided that their child-care needs would be better met by moving the program to the Caroline Elementary School. Following extensive planning meetings and Ithaca City School Board approval, the program opened for the first time in September 1987 as the Caroline After School Program.
In 1988 CASP became a private not-for-profit corporation. The Caroline After School Program is currently funded through tuition payments, occasional parent fundraising events, donations, and grants. The program’s fiscal year runs from August 1st to July 31st.
In 1999 CASP became a registered program with the New York State Office of Children and Family Services. By being a registered program, CASP is required to follow NYS regulations for school age child care programs including but not limited to: fire and safety rules, building use requirements, supervision of children, discipline, child abuse and maltreatment, health and infectious disease control, child nutrition, staff qualifications and training, and management and administration.