Our Team

CASP is an equal opportunity employer. We employ qualified individuals without regard to race, color, religion, gender, income, or special needs. The CASP staff includes the Director, Program Coordinator, Nutrition Coordinator, Program Aides, work study students from Ithaca College and Cornell University (when available) and Substitutes. The Director is responsible for the overall administration of the program and supervision of staff. The Program Coordinator is responsible for planning and preparing daily activities, clubs, specials guests, full days and managing social media accounts. The Nutrition Coordinator is responsible for planning and preparing snacks and serves a dual role as a Program Aide. Program Aides facilitate daily activities, while engaging with children and keeping them safe.

CASP is hiring Program Aides for the 2024-2025 school year. Click here for details and how to apply.


Nancy Helms

Program Coordinator

Sarah Mahool 

Nutrition Coordinator & Program Aide

Shirley Card

Program Aides

Jennifer Willard 

Emma Willard

Joan Hoffmier 

Peggy Andersen 

Joette McPherson

Lacey Cunningham 

Casside Blake

Gracie Chisolm

RJ Salmen 

Natalie Edmonds 

Laney Brind


Flora Karasin

Geoff Preston