The CASP Federal Tax ID # is 16-1304786 for families with childcare reimbursement accounts or who claim childcare on their income tax.
If a monthly or year end tuition statement is needed please request one from the Director.
How to set up an automated bill pay for tuition payments. Click here.
Tuition per child for the 2024-2025 school year is below.
Tuition payments can be made monthly, due on the 1st, OR twice a month, due on the 1st and the 15th:
Enrollment Once a month payment Twice a month payment
Full time (5 days a week) $410 $205
Monday/Wednesday/Friday $320 $160
Tuesday/Thursday $220 $110
Full day tuition is $55 per day per child.
Drop-in care is available, space permitting, for currently enrolled and non-enrolled children for $30 per child per day. You must notify the Director in writing to request drop-in care and fill out forms if not currently enrolled.
Families with more than one child enrolled in CASP will receive a 10% discount for each additional child.
Tuition may be paid by any of the following methods:
Checks/bank checks/money orders made payable to CASP.
Contact your financial institute and set up a direct bill pay each month.
Cash payments are not encouraged but will be accepted. If a family needs to make a cash payment, it must be given directly to the Director or Program Coordinator who will provide you with a receipt.
Funding for tuition is available to qualified families through the Tompkins County Child Care Assistance Program through the Department of Social Services Child Care Unit. Income-eligible families may receive assistance towards childcare.
For further information call them directly at (607) 274-5030. You can also visit them online with the link below:
For more information on tuition please reference the parent/guardian handbook. If there are any questions, please contact the Director.